Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pride v. Humility

Pride. Hmmm, In Mark 9:33-34 Jesus asks His apostles, "What were you discussing on the Road?" But they did not answer because they had been arguing about which one was the greatest." Got your attention (it's not me by the way). Simply put pride leads to many wrong doings. It gets in the way of humility, (the opposite virtue). It is self-conceit and if you wonder if you are prideful, here's the basketball stuff, ask this "do I like it when someone snubs me, or refuses to take notice, patronizes me or shows off. " Hmmm.

Lets consider a playoff or unit ranking. Feel left out, snubbed, treated unfairly. Perhaps it's because your pride is competing with someone else. Why do you want more? What don't you have that a different rank would solve?

Don't misunderstand, when you are complemented about a job well done or you're told that you have really improved your game and you feel good about it, that's not pride. It's where you take the comment or what you do with it. My mentor taught me that you are never as good or as bad as people say. Somewhere in that comment is humility. If you start looking for applause, become vain or want praise because you are improving, well that's going to lead to problems.

Jim Johnson retired this year. At his final game the public address spoke about Jim working his final game and the crowd responded with praise. I can't imaging Jim being anything but humbled by the kind gesture Upland HS, the teams, coaches and all the fans offered through their applause. Prideful, no, Jim is the example of humility and continued to be humble as he shared at the banquet. Thank you Jim for being an example. By the way I see myself as a sinner and often prideful about basketball. What I should do when I get full of myself is thank God for the skills He has given me and give Him the glory. Fortunately, God humbles me when I get full of myself.

So next time you feel full of pride, wanting more, ask, do I have enough, why do I want more, or what will more solve?

This blog posting was influenced by a recent reading of "Pride: The Great Sin" by C. S. Lewis.

God bless you all.

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